CASIO DR-210TM 雙色出紙計算機(12位)
CASIO DR-210TM 雙色出紙計算機(12位)
產品編號: CASIO DR-210TM 雙色出紙計算機(12位)
價格: $690.0
- Regular percentRegular percentage calculations.
- Line printingLine printing for higher speed, superior print quality, and quieter operation.
- 2-color printingPositive values are shown in black, and negative values are shown in red for easy checking.
- Tax calculationAutomatic calculation of price plus tax, price less tax, discount, selling price, tax amount, discount amount, and margin amount.
- Cost/Sell/MarginCalculate the cost, selling price, or margin of profit on an item, given the other two values.
- SIZE : 109.3(H) × 214.5(W) × 382(D) mm
- 墨轆 : RB-02(雙色布帶)